My name is Thomas, and I made this website as a hobby to share my interests. I currently live in the Netherlands, but have spent most of my life in New Zealand.
I'm a mechanical engineer, but this site is mostly about my personal interests such as boats, boat building, making things, inline skating and much more.
Contact me
You can email me on (remove the monkey). I like getting interesting or useful mail, but please no offers for SEO assistance or other soliciting.
If you would like to get notified of site updates you can subscribe to my news feed. This uses Atom (like RSS) to push updates to you, so you are in full control. If you're not familiar with news feeds I highly recommend them as one way to get some control back from the big social media companies.
This site has been around in one form or another since at least 2009, initially as It started as a way to share some projects I had made, as well as a way of "storing" my bookmark collection. The free boat plans and one sheet boast pages were some of the highlights from that time, as well as the early boat projects.
It was first coded by hand, using a library book to guide me. Then it was powered for many years by DokuWiki, an easy to use wiki system that doesn't need a database.
I've now gone back to manually editing the site in html, because I like the simplicity, and the option of having a local copy of the site that just works. I've reverted the old content back to the pre-DokuWiki look because that's the kind of fun thing you can do with static html!
- Simple.css is used for the base appearance of the site
- Fontawesome - for the nice SVG RSS icon.
- Ramtop theme - some of my pages are styled based on this DokuWiki theme I used to run on the site.
- w3schools HTML tutorial - fantastic resource for html/css
- Neocities - for inspiring me to take another look at static html websites.